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Ricerca e Documentazione Internazionale per il Paesaggio

Research and International Documentation for Landscape

International researches of landscape

1. Alpine Space- INTERREG III B

1. Space Alpine Project

During the period 2000-2006, the first transnational EU cooperation programme was launched for the Alps. The INTERREG IIIB Alpine Space Programme represented an integrated strategic approach of the area aiming to encourage a stronger cohesion between sectoral and horizontal policies of the area. The partners and regions developed stable networks, witnessing the strong commitment of the projects to fulfil the programme’s major target of a common development strategy.
The transnational cooperation continues in the next Structural Fund period running from 2007 to 2013, under the European Territorial Cooperation objective.
Priority 1 - Competitiveness and Attractiveness of the Alpine Space
Priority 2 - Accessibility and Connectivity
Priority 3 - Environment and Risk Prevention

Participaties countries: Italiy, France, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland, Lichtenstein

Whole country Austria


ALPTER - Paesaggi terrazzati nell’arco alpino 12/2004 - 12/2007
Interreg project ALPTER was conceived to counteract the abandonment of terraced agricultural areas in the alpine region, a problem that only during the last years has risen the attention of both institutions and population, for the loss of cultural heritage and the natural hazard that it can produce. The project started with the collection of data on 8 terraced areas, that now are being being elaborated to define procedures with regard to significant topics such as mapping, assessment of geological hazard, enhancement of agricultural production or promotion of tourism in terraced zones. Recovery works are meanwhile being realized in the study areas, to produce some examples of effective recovery of terraces to present and diffuse.
Lead Partner Regione Veneto, Italy.
Other Partners A.D.I. Associazione per lo sviluppo Infografico (Francia); Regione Veneto, Direzione Urbanistica; Regione Liguria, Dipartimento Pianif. Territoriale, Paesaggistica e Ambientale; IREALP, Istituto per la Ricerca Economica ed Ecologica nelle Alpi, Sondrio, Italia; Università BOKU di Vienna, Istituto di Progettazione, Sviluppo e Conservazione del Paesaggio; Università di Lubiana – Facoltà di Architettura (Slovenia); Goriska Brda (Slovenia); Regione Valle d’Aosta, Dip. Agricoltura, Risorse Naturali e Protezione del suolo; UNIVERSITA’: Università IUAV Venezia, Dipartimenti di Urbanistica e di Pianificazione; Università degli studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Geografia "G.Morandini"; Università degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento POLIS; Università degli Studi di Milano, Istituto di Geografia Umana-Dipartimento di Scienza della Terra; Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Valorizzazione e Protezione delle Risorse Agroforestali (DI.VA.P.R.A.). Altri soggetti coinvolti: UNESCO, Ufficio per la Ricerca Scientifica in Europa (ROSTE); Flowfood, Fondazione per la Biodiversità. Partners non europei Regione Bregaglia (Svizzera)
Contact Ms. Vincenzo Fabris TEL: +39 041 279 2374 - FAX: +39 041 279 2383
Email: vincenzo.fabris@no-spam-please-remove.regione.veneto.it

CulturALP - Knowledge and Enhancement of Historical Centres and Cultural Landscapes in Alpine Space 09/2002-02/2005
The aims of the project are to protect and enhance that common heritage, improving the knowledge on characteristic features of historical alpine settlements and promoting integrated sustainable policies for interventions, taking into account different aspects of cultural, historical, social, economical and environmental identity, according to the spatial and economic context. Main project activities: 1) cataloguing and cartographic representation (data bases, Geographic Information Systems) of Alpine Cultural heritage components, based on harmonised methods; 2) defining harmonised analytical methods to evaluate strengths and weakness (SWOT analysis); 3) promoting pro-active policies to protect and enhance cultural heritage components (best practices, guidelines); 4) spreading out positive experiences and supporting integrated policies using information society technologies.
Lead Partner Direzione Generale Culture, Identità e Autonomie (Lombardia);Struttura Documentazione Restauro e Valorizzazione (Regione Lombardia), Italia.
Other Partners D.I. Herbert Liske, partner privato con il supporto del Land Bassa Austria (Austria); Regione PACA Provenza-Alpi-Costa Azzurra (Francia); Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italia); Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta (Italia); Regione Piemonte-Direzione Pianificazione e Gestione Urbanistica (Italia). Partners non europei Cantone dei Grigioni (Svizzera)
Contact Ms. Pietro Petraroia - Lombardia Region, Direzione Generale Culture, Identità e Autonomie TEL: +39 02 6765 2701 - FAX: +39 02 6765 2734
Email: pietro.petraroia@no-spam-please-remove.regione.lombardia.it

DYNALP - Valorisation of natural und cultural heritage for marketing and tourism in the Alpine Space 07/2003 - 06/2006
DYNALP is an INTERREG IIIB project which is supported by the EU and encompasses 52 towns and villages. Most of them are members of the network of municipalities "Alliance in the Alps". On this website you will find information on the project as a whole and also on the individual projects of the respective towns and villages. The towns and villages that jointly run the DYNALP project are concretely implementing the Alpine Convention in the following areas: tourism, conservation of nature and the countryside, mountain agriculture and sustainable development and regional planning.
Lead Partners Mäder, Austria.
Others Partner Alliance France (Francia); Bohinj (Slovenia); Comune di Oberstaufen (Germania); Comune di San Zeno (Italia); Kranjska Gora (Slovenia). Altri Partner Comune di Grabs (Svizzera);Comune di Schaan (Liechtenstein)
Contact Sig. Siegele, Rainer TEL: +43 5523 52860 10, FAX: +43 5523 52860 20
Email: r.siegele@no-spam-please-remove.maeder.at

HABITALP - Alpine Habitat Diversity 11/2002 – 10/2006
The HABITALP project deals with the diversity of alpine habitats and its goal is to monitor in a standardized way long term environmental changes in these habitats. This is performed with the help of colour infrared (CIR) aerial photographs. Special focus is given to the identification and long term survey (monitoring) of NATURA 2000 sites, in particular of habitats cited in annex I of the Habitat Directive, which are detectable by aerial photographs.
Lead Partner Nationalpark Berchtesgaden, Germany.
Others Partners APB: Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano (Italia); Agir pour la Sauvegarde des Territoires et des Espèces Remarquables ou Sensibles (Francia); Consorzio del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio (Italia); Nationalparkrat Hohe Tauern (Austria); Parc National des Écrins (Francia); Parco Nazionale Dolomiti Bellunesi (Italia); Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso (Italia); Parco Naturale Mont Avic (Italia); Parc National de la Vanoise (Francia); Provincia Autonoma Bolzano (Italia); National Park Switzerland.
Contact Vogel, Michael Berchtesgaden TEL: +49 8652 9686 134 FAX: +49 8652 9686 40
Email: a.lotz@no-spam-please-remove.nationalpark-berchtesgaden.de

IRON ROUTE - The Iron Route 01/2005 - 12/2007
The constitution of the “Via dei Metalli” (Iron Road) is a widely ranging project, financed by the European Union, involving numerous concerns and persons brought together by a common territorial morphology, tied to mining and processing iron in past and present eras.
The project, organised into three phases, anticipates the creation of an exchange of experiences between various European partners, in order to identify and experiment common solutions aimed at territorial valorisation and management.
Lead Partner Cooperativa Leader Plus delle Valli Seriana e di Scalve s.c.r.l., Italia.
Others Partner Comunità Montana di Valle Trompia (Italia); Marktgemeinde Hüttenberg – Touristische Anlagen Hüttenberg (Austria); Podzemlje Pece RSCM- Radbeni Materiali D.O.O. (Slovenia); Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia SPM (Italia); Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta (Italia); Regione Lombardia AESS (Italia); Università dell' Insubria (Italia)
Contact Ms.Piffari Sergio TEL: +39 0346 47577 FAX: +39 02 700 389 83
Email: sergio@no-spam-please-remove.scuolainmontagna.it

LIVING SPACE NETWORK - Drafting and adopting joint practicable concepts for the preservation, development and networking of selected living spaces of significance to the EU 05/2003-12/2005
The project has the following aims:
1. The safeguarding and development of sufficiently large habitats in a cross-border alliance is imperative if the biological diversity of the Alps’ ecological system is to be preserved. 2. New forms of cross-border collaboration at administrative level and between scientific institutions, associations and private individuals are brought about when as many affected parties as possible take part in the pilot project.
Lead Partners Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen, Abteilung Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege, Germania.
Others Partner Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung, Abteilung Umweltschutz (Austria); Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung, Abteilung Umweltschutz (Austria); Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung, Abteilung Umweltschutz (Austria); Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Sudtirolo, Servizio Parchi (Italia); Ministerium für ländlichen Raum, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Abteilung Naturschutz (Germania); Provincia Autonoma di Trento Servizio Parchi e forestale demaniale (Italia).
Partner Non-EU Amt für Natur und Landschaft des Kantons Graubünden (Svizzera); Baudepartement des Kantons St. Gallen, Planungsamt (Svizzera); Ufficio Protenzione Natura Dipartimento Ambiente Ticino (Svizzera)
Contact Drost, UlrichTEL: +49 89 9214 3337FAX: +49 89 9214 3497
Email: ulrich.drost@no-spam-please-remove.stmugv.bayern.de

VIA ALPINA - promoting the natural and cultural heritage of the Alps on a network of hiking trails 01/2001 - 12/2004
The project consists in establishing Via Alpina as the first identified hiking route linking the eight Alpine countries: Italy, Austria, France, Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia, Liechtenstein and Monaco. The trail network links sites of high natural and cultural value throughout the Alps and emphasises the common Alpine identity. Multilingual tools are developed to insure its efficient promotion and provide the international public with an entry to each of the Alpine regions. Pilot projects are carried out to look into possible developments of sustainable tourism offers and trail management with a trans-national perspective.
Lead Partner Association Grande Traversée des Alpes, Francia.
Partner EU Deutscher Alpenverein (Germany); Österreichischer Alpenverein (Austria); Planinska Zveza Slovenije (Slovenia); Proplus d.o.o (Slovenia); Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano (Italt); Provincia Autonoma di Trento (Italy); Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italia); Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta (Italy); Regione Liguria (Italy); Regione Lombardia (Italy); Regione Piemonte (Italy); Regione Veneto (Italy).
Others Partner Fürstentums Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein); Schweizer Wanderwege (Svizzera)
Contact Sig. Francois Gillet TEL: +33 4 76 42 08 31 FAX: +33 4 76 42 87 08
Email: francois.gillet@no-spam-please-remove.via-alpina.org

VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA - Territorial promotion based on cultural heritage in the trasnational area alongside the ancient roman road 09/2002 - 08/2004
The project aim to define a common strategy and best practices for the promotion of this transnational territory; its most important aspect is to create a network among all the actors involved. Culture, local products, environmental resources and tourism are the components of the project which acts by transnational and local pilot projects and adopts an integrated approach within the framework of sustainable development.
Lead Partner Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy.
Others Partner Comune di Feltre (Italy); Comune di Ostiglia (Italy); Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano (Italy); Regione Veneto (Italy); Associazione Miar (Austria); Associazione Via Claudia Augusta (Germany)

2. CADSES Project

The CADSES Programme is, among the 13  transnational co-operation areas in Europe, the largest and most complex area.CADSES has carried out the mission of INTERREG into four priorities and twelve measures  covering themes like spatial, urban and rural development and immigration (Priority 1), transport systems and access to the information society (Priority 2), landscape, natural and cultural heritage (Priority 3) and environment protection, resource management and risk prevention (Priority 4).   

Participaties countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia (EU-Member States), Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Federation of Serbia and Montenegro, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine (Non-EU-Member states).


GOVERNET - Governance models for sustainable integrated rural development and multifunctional agricul-ture 01/2004 - 12/2006
The main objective of the project is to promote sustainable development of rural areas within the context of a strong integration with other activities undertaken by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) located in rural areas, thus promoting a diversified economic structure and a social stable development.
Partners Leader Veneto Region, Department Agroindustrial Productions, Mestre – Venezia, ITALY;
Others partners Venice Province – Council Department of Productive Activities and Agriculture, Mestre, Italy; CONTAGRAF – University of Padua, Legnaro, Italy; Mountainous district of Pordenonese, Barcis, Italy; Institute of Soil Classification and Mapping (I.S.C.M.), Larissa, Greece; Technological Education Institute of Kavala (TEIK), Drama, Greece; Regional Development Agency Nova Gorica, Šempeter pri Gorici, Slovenia; Ministry of Agriculture and Agrofood Industry of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
Contact person Dott. Andrea Comacchio Tel.: +39 /041 /2795546 - Fax: +39 /041 /2795575
Email: Pamercato@regione.veneto.it

GreenKeys - Urban Green as a Key for Sustainable Cities 05/2005-04/2008
GreenKeys focuses on the improvement of urban green spaces as a step for more sustainable cities. The three main objectives are (1) to provide incentives for structural changes in cities by offering possibilities for improvement of green spaces. The partner cities will develop together with local stakeholders a strategic approach for the pilot project to create new or improve existing green areas for more accessibility, social and recreational value and ecological efficiency. With the involvement of local actors the political attention to the benefits of green spaces to urban environment will be increased. GreenKeys will support projects in order (2) to develop a “Pool of Green Strategies” (instruments, methods, concepts and good examples) based on future needs and (3) using the synergies will promote the transfer of knowledge through a network.
Partners Leader City of Dresden - Dept. of Urban Green & Waste Manag., (Amt für Stadtgrün); GERMANY;
Others partners Institute of Ecological and Regional Development, Dresden (IOER), Dresden, Germany; Municipality of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany; Centre of Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig, Germany; German Association for Housing Urban and Spatial Development, Berlin, Germany; Municipality of Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia; Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UPIRS), Ljubljana, Slovenia; Municipality of Halandri, Halandri, Greece; Municipality of Volos, Volos, Greece; Municipality of Xanthi, Xanthi, Greece; University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Development, Volos, Greece; Rev8 Józsefváros Rehabilitation and Urban Development Co, Budapest, Hungary; Geographical Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences (GRI HAS), Budapest, Hungary; Municipality of Giulianova, Giulianova, Italy; University of Salzburg, Research Group Urban Landscapes, Salzburg, Austria; Municipality of Bydgoszcz, Bydgoszcz, Poland; Municipality of Sanok, Sanok, Poland; Union of Parks & Landscape Specialists in Bulgaria (UPLSB), Sofia, Bulgaria; Municipality of Kotel, Kotel, Bulgaria; Municipality of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Contact person - Mr Detlef Thiel Tel.: +49 351 4887140 - Fax: +49 351 4887103
Email: gruenflaechenamt@dresden.de

IPAM - Integrative Protected Area Management in the Alps-Adriatic-Region
The project IPAM - Toolbox (Integrative Protected Area Management by Example of the Alps - Adriatic Region) focuses on the evaluation, harmonisation and development of methods, instruments and infrastructures for planning and managing protected areas.
The protection of areas and sites is one of the most important instruments for sustainable spatial development. The management of these sites has become a challenge for conservation, since protected area management is related to three dimensions: the spatial, socio-cultural and economic. Therefore, the planning and managing of protected areas hit very different legal, administrative and technical realities.
Parterns Lead Office of the Government of Carinthia, Dept. 20 - Spatial Planning, Klagenfurt, AUSTRIA;
Others partners Office of the Federal State Government of Styria, Dept. 13 C - Nature Conservation, Graz, Austria; Regional Directorate of Parks of Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Udine, Italy; Regional Park of Colli Euganei, Veneto, Este, Italy; Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic; Department for Spatial Planning in Medimurje County, Cakovec, Croatia; Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Contact person - DI Peter Fercher Tel.: +43 463 536 32002 - Fax: +43 463 536 32007
Email: post.abt20@ktn.gv.at

ITER - Thermal routes 01/2003 - 06/2005
Italy, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece share a common cultural heritage: historic spas. Very few has been done to protect was can be considered one of the most remarkable cultural ensemble bringing together buildings, interiors and parks or in other words an extraordinary combination of archaeology, architecture, craft and landscape. Furthermore the health oriented mass exploitation has not been equally accompanied by a policy for the identification, knowledge and protection of the concerned historic buildings, conservation areas and other aspects of the historic environment.
Partner Leader Emilia-Romagna Region, Istituto Beni Artistici Culturali e Naturali, Bologna, ITALY;
Others partners Bundesdenkmalamt (Austrian Heritage Commission), Vienna, Austria; Regione Veneto – Direzione Cultura, Venezia, Italy; Hungarian Science and Technology Foundation, Budapest, Hungary; Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace, Komotini, Greece; Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia – Direzione Generle dell'Istruzione e della Cultura, Trieste, Italy; Amitié srl, Bologna, Italy; National Institute for Research and Development in Urban and Regional Planning, Bucuresti 2, Romania; Association of Rhodope Municipalities, Smolyan, Bulgaria.
Contact Sig. Alessandro Zucchini Tel.: +39 051 217411 - Fax: +39 051 232599
Email: alzucchini@regione.emilia-romagna.it

LOTO - Landscape opportunities for territorial organization 05/2002 - 12/2005
The project intends to provide tools that govern the evolution of the landscape through the knowledge of the dynamics of transformation, intending the landscape itself as a reference framework for any project of an accurate and territorial scale, aimed at directing the territorial planning/design tools in a complementary manner. The project proposes the identification a method of interpreting the landscape that could be a shared operative reference to guide and verify the territorial transformation choices.
Partner Lead Lombardia Region, Direzione Generale Territorio ed Urbanistica, Milano, ITALY;
Others partners Ministry for cultural heritage and activities, Roma, Italy; Regione Umbria, Perugia, Italy; Regione Marche, Ancona, Italy; Regione Emilia Romagna, Bologna, Italy; Regione Veneto, Venezia, Italy; Regione Istria, Pula, Croatia; Ministry for environmental an spatial planning, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Technical University of Munich, Freising, Germany; Istituto Urban Project, Romania.
Contact person Sig.ra. Anna Rossi Tel.: +39 02 67656836 - Fax: +39 02 67652938
Email: Anna_Rossi@regione.lombardia.it

Parks&Economy - Developing Initiatives exploiting the Potential of Natural Heritage for Regional Spatial Development 04/2006 - 03/2008
The aim of the project is the development of national, nature and landscape parks in rural Europe. The project will develop and demonstrate an innovative approach where interdisciplinary integrated Development and Marketing Plans (DEMAP) will be drafted based upon scientific guidance and results of a SWOT analysis. The DEMAP will outline actions to spur economic development while promoting environmental protection as natural heritage will be used as a driver for the the marketing of regional products (registration of regional product and service labels for typical crafts, food products and tourism services) and citizen identities. First DEMAP actions will be realised as pilots across the park areas. In addition, experiences upon common challenges will be exchanged and measures to sensitise the public will be realised as a joint effort. The entire P&E approach will be documented and suggested for other CADSES areas to adopt.Partner Lead - Province of Teramo, European Development, Italy;
Others partners Province of Rimini, Rimini, Italy; Municipality of Mel, Mel, Italy; Disctrict of Muldentalkreis, Grimma, Germany; Denkmalschmiede Höfgen gGmbH, Grimma-Kaditzsch, Germany; Förderverein für Handwerk und; Denkmalpflege Schloss Trebsen e. V., Trebsen, Germany; Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Wien, Austria Municipality of Lidoriki, Lidoriki, Greece; Scientific Association for Regional Development, Tököl, Hungary; Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (R.E.C.), Bratislava, Slovakia; Innovation Center of Agriculture, Debrecen, Hungary; Spatial and Economic Development Association for Tisza Micro-region, Újlorincfalva, Hungary; Federal Ministry of Phisical Planning and Environment, Sarajevo, Bosnia Hercegovina; Administration of Nature Park “Vratchansky Balkan”, Vratza, Bulgaria.
Contact Mr. Luca Muscelli Tel.: 390861847242 - Fax: 390861847242
Email: info@lmcomunicazione.it

PLAN COAST - Spatial Planning in Coastal Zones 04/2006 - 04/2008
The PlanCoast project will enhance the sustainable development of the coastal zones of Baltic Sea, Adriatic Sea and Black Sea, landside as well as seaside by A) Developing, introducing and implementing the new field of spatial planning of maritime aereas (sea-use-planning) throughout EU coastal zones in a coherent manner complying to international standards and facilitating international exchange and comparison of information while at the same time reflecting local and regional needs, B) Strengthening the implementation of ICZM in EU coastal zones by enhancing the role of spatial planning within ICZM and demonstrating the benefits of spatial planning to ICZM by a selected number of pilot projects, C) Introducing international comparable GIS databases facilitating the spatial planning process for coastal zones and maritime areas according to ICZM principles.
Partner Lead Ministry of Labour, Building and Regional Development, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Spatial Planning Department, Germany;
Others partners Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing, Schwerin, Germany; Maritime Office in Gdynia, Gdynia, Poland; Self-Government of Pomorskie Voivodeship, Gdansk, Poland; Regional Development Centre, Koper, Slovenia; Emilia Romagna Region, Bologna, Italy; Municipality of Ancona, Ancona, Italy Environnental Centre for Adminnistration and Technology, Tirana, Albania; Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Ministry of Const, PhysicalPlan and Protection, Mostar, Bosnia Hercegovina; Regional Governors Office Varna, Varna, Bulgaria; Black Sea NGO Network, Varna, Bulgaria; UNEP-MAP Priority Action Programme / Regional Activity Centre, Split, Croatia; National Institute for Marine Research and Development Grigore Antipa, Constanta, Romania; National Institue for Research and Development Urbanproject, Bucharest, Romania; Coastal Zone Management Agency, Budva, Serbia and Montenegro; Ukrainian Scientific Center for Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES), Odessa, Ukraine
Contact person Dr. Bernhard Heinrichs Tel.: +49 385 588 3081 - Fax: +49 385 588 3082
Email: bernhard.heinrichs@am.mv-regierung.de

REKULA - Restauro dei paesaggi culturali 01/2003 - 06/2006
REKULA is a project within the Community Initiative INTERREG III B (CADSES) of the European Union towards furthering economic, social, cultural and territorial collaboration in Europa. The objective of REKULA is the development of a Europe-wide applicable set of tools to manage cultural landscapes that have undergone thorough change and disturbance in short time periods. One important objective of REKULA is a management handbook to support the revalourisation of landscapes. Within five different workpackages the REKULA-Partners deal with several aspects of the consequences of industrial uses for the landscape.
Partner Lead Internationale Bauausstellung Fürst-Pückler-Land, Großräschen, GERMANY;
Others partners Regione del Veneto, Venice, Italy; Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Treviso, Italy; Politechnika Slaska w Gliwicach (Silesian University of Technology, department of Architecure), Gliwice, Poland; City and Community of Zabrze, Zabrze, Poland; Consorzio di Bonifica Pedemontano Brentella di Pederobba, Montebelluna, Italy; Consorzio di Bonifica Destra Piave, Treviso, Italy; Consorzio di Bonifica Pedemontano Sinistra Piave, Codogne, Italy; Kamenz District, Kamenz, Germany; Lausitz University of Applied Sciences (FHL), Cottbus, Germany; Regional Planning Office Lausitz-Spreewald, Cottbus, Germany; Regionale Planning Office Bautzen, Bautzen, Germany; LMBV Lausitzer und Mitteldeutsche Bergbau-Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbHLausitzinitiative (Mining Administration), Senftenberg, Germany
Contact person Prof. Rolf Kuhn Tel.: +49/3575337019 - Fax: +49/ 357/5337012
Email: info@iba-fuerst-pueckler-land.de

REVITAMIN - Revitalisation of former brown coal mining areas
05/2005 - 04/2008
The aim of the project is at upgrading and developing post mining landscapes at a transnational level. The partners in this project intend to identify innovative, cost-efficient, sustainable and transferable scenarios of landscape revitalisation. The result will be a transnational strategy for the revitalisation of mining areas in line with European principles of spatial development without neglecting national regional diversity. This sophisticated system can be used in all European countries with natural resources industry and will assist local authorities, national and regional planning institutions as well as the European Union in analysing, planning and restructuring disturbed landscapes. Finally, an information and co-operation network for mining regions for the exchange of information and transfer of know-how, as well as a platform for business activities beyond the scope of this project will be set up.
Partner Leader District administration of Weissenfels rural district, Dep. of economic development, Weissenfels, GERMANY;
Others partners Burgenlandkreis Rural District, Naumburg, Germany; Institute of Structural Policies & Economic Development, Halle, Germany; Saxon Academy of Sciences, Leipzig, Germany; ECOVAST – European Council for the Village and the Small Town, Weißenfels, Germany; Centre of Geoscientific Competence at Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany; Central German Park of the Environment and Industrial Culture, Zeitz, Germany; Mining Development and Training Company, Theissen, Germany
Halle-Dessau Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Halle, Germany; Mind Consult & Research GmbH, Graz, Austria; Baernbach Telepark, Bärnbach, Austria; Euro-Region of the Ore Mountains, Most, Czech Republic; Municipality of Most, Most, Czech Republic; Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Most, Most, Czech Republic; Regional Association for the revitalisation of Horna Nitra, Prievidza, Slovakia; Regional Association for the revitalisation of Velky Krtiš, Velký Krtíš, Slovakia; Municipality of Velenje, Velenje, Slovenia; Regional Planning Agency of Savinjska Šaleška region, Mozirje, Slovenia; Ministry for Building and Transport of Saxony-Anhalt, Magdeburg, Germany; Saxon State Ministry of the Interior, Dresden, Germany; Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour, Dresden, Germany; Saxon State Agency of Environment and Geology, Freiberg, Germany; Central German Brown Coal Company, Theißen, Germany; Lusatian and Central German Brown Coal Administration Company (LMBV), Berlin, Germany
Contact person Ms Ruth Fruehwirth Tel.: +49 /3443/372249 - Fax: +49 /3443/372251
Email: fruehwirth.ruth@landkreis-weissenfels.de

ROME - Roman, ancient greek and amber routes, innovative Methodologies and measures connecting Europe 01/2004 - 12/2006
The project aims at giving continual knowledge and perception of a vast and rich heritage by using innovative technologies introduced and rooted inside an original and sophisticated organization of the necessary places in order to create an integration of action and interaction between the real and virtual space and to achieve a common perception on-line of reality. The project has also the intension of identifying some common methodologies for the enhancement of the elements belonging to the Roman routes "system" in the next fields: - the representation of historical and relevant elements of the Roman routes and the interesting areas - the individuation of itineraries tailored to diversified needs, concerning also theatrical animation and e-learning - the individuation of methodologies of the area project up-to-grade optimise development potentially of participating territories - the improvement of the heritage to increase local and regional development One of the results of the project should be the valorisation and restoration of archaeological sites in the territories of project- partners by the use of new technologies and particular interventions of archaeologists for the maintenance of the sites and to give the involved areas an instrument of economical growing to the local population.
Partner Lead Office of the Government of Carinthia, Dept. 20 - Spatial Planning, Klagenfurt, AUSTRIA;
Others partners Office of the Federal State Government of Styria, Dept. 13 C - Nature Conservation, Graz, Austria; Regional Directorate of Parks of Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Udine, Italy; Regional Park of Colli Euganei, Veneto, Este, Italy; Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic; Department for Spatial Planning in Medimurje County, Cakovec, Croatia; Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Contact person DI Peter Fercher Tel.: +43 463 536 32002 - Fax: +43 463 536 32007
Email: post.abt20@ktn.gv.at

ROMIT - Roman Itineraries 01/2004 - 06/2006
It is a cultural-tourist itinerary centred on Roman archaeology embracing at the moment the 4 European regions involved in the project: Emilia-Romagna (I), Bavaria (D), Western Greece (GR) and Bulgaria (BG). The Cultural Route will enable you to visit the cities pointed out in the Peutinger’s Tabula and to discover their Roman heritage in all its aspects. Furthermore, the Cultural Route will enable you to plan a personal tourist itinerary to discover archaeological sites, parks and museums, thanks to a set of historical information and a list of possible places of accommodation.
Partner Lead Province of Rimini, ITALY;
Others partners Municipality of Rimini, Rimini, Italy; Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Bologna, Italy; Europa Inform Consulting srl, Rimini, Italy; Patras Municipal Enterprise for Local Development « ADEP », Patras, Greece; Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg - FIM-NeuesLernen, Erlangen, Germany; ZEUS Consulting S.A., Patras, Greece; Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria; Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Wien, Austria.
Contact person Ing. Enzo Finocchiaro Tel.: +39 /0541 /716307 - Fax: +39 /0541 /59678
Email: e.finocchiaro@provincia.rimini.it

RURALTOUR- Tourism Promotion for sustainable growth of agriculture in Cadses area 04/2006 - 12/2007
The RuralTour project leverages sustainable forms of rural tourism and increases existing revenue opportunities for rural areas by developing comprehensive rural tourism marketing strategy. Such strategy will be implemented for the participating areas by the PPs. In addition, a recognizable international network and brand will be developed to designate certified sustainable rural tourism initiatives in the project areas. Finally, the participating area tourism resources and initiatives are promoted on the Internet by using remote learning and shared work to maintain their web presence.
Partern Lead Veneto Region - Department for Promotion of the Agricultural Products, Department for Promotion of the Agricultural Products, Mestre-Venezia, ITALY;
Others partners Emilia Romagna Region, Bologna, Italy; Malopolska Agency For Regional Development S.A., Krakow, Poland; Land Karnten, Klagenfurt, Austria; MICRO-Regional Development Association of Szecseny Area, Szecseny, Hungary; AZRRI-Agency for Rural Development of Istria Ltd Pazin, Pazin, Croatia.
Contact person Mr Dott. Stefano Sisto Tel.: +39 041 2795565 - Fax: +39 041 2795575
Email: stefano.sisto@regione.veneto.it

SIMOCA - Setting up and implementation of sustainable and multifunctional rural development model based on organic and competitive agriculture 01/2003- 12/2005
The general objective of the project is to define a new strategy for sustainable and multifunctional rural development based on the growth of organic farming. For this purpose, territorial integration between CADSES countries has to be favoured by promoting meetings and exchange of knowledge between different bodies that promote land development (decision makers, end-users, etc.) by setting up international networks and favouring knowledge exchange. The project was formulated to answer to the main problem between the selected countries that is the lack of a sustainable rural development strategy that integrates socio-economic, agricultural, cultural and environmental aspects.
Partner Lead C.I.H.E.A.M.-Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, ITALY;
Others partners Regione Puglia, Bari, Italy; SVIM (Sviluppo Marche), Ancona, Italy; Regione Marche, Ancona, Italy; Agenzia Regionale Servizi di Sviluppo Agricolo Abruzzo (ARSSA), Avezzano, Italy; Università degli studi di Bari, Bari, Italy; C.I.H.E.A.M. - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania(MAICH), Chania, Greece; EKO LIBURNIA - RIJEKA - Croatia, Rijeka, Croatia; Warsaw Agriculture University – Poland, Warszawa, Poland; Slovak Academy of Sciences -Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Contact person Dr. Maurizio Raeli Tel.: +39 080 4606284 - Fax: +39 080 4606206
Email: raeli@iamb.it

3. MEDOCC Project

under costruction ...